Camp FAQs, Answered:
When is camp?
Camp will be the weeks of July 21, 2025, July 28, 2025 and August 4, 2025. Each camper is placed for one of the three weeks. Week placements are made based on your child's abilities, diagnoses, and information provided in the Registration packet. The third week will be for adults over 18 only!
Who can attend camp?
Children from age 5 (and entering kindergarten) to 21+ with an ASD diagnosis or related communication disorder may attend Camp WANNAGOAGAIN! summer camp. (Campers who have previously attended Camp may continue after the age of 21).
What group will my child be with?
Camp groups are determined according to children’s ages, abilities and diagnoses.
How much does camp cost?
$550.00, which includes a $75.00 non-refundable deposit. Tuition may be paid by personal check, VISA, MasterCard or checks/purchase orders from other funding sources.
Please Note: Katie Beckett (RI Medical Assistance) DOES NOT pay for camp.
Is financial assistance available?
Yes! Camperships are available and will be awarded on a sliding scale. Be sure to submit a Campership application and a copy of your W-2 for 2024, or other accepted proof of income with your child's camp application. All families are encouraged to apply.
Does your camp need any volunteers?
We use many volunteers and interns for each session. Volunteers 18+ can complete our Volunteer Registration. Teens interested in volunteering can complete our CLT Application 2025 or the Peer Camper Application 2024 (2025 Application - Coming Soon) and return it to Cathy Young.
Is there anything new that volunteers and interns need to know?
All Volunteers and Interns ages 18+ are required to complete the Employee Health Requirements and Forms. Volunteers will need to submit background check forms. For more information about working at Camp WANNAGOAGAIN!, read Camp Employment & Volunteering.