Family Support at The Autism Project
As parents and caregivers of people with ASD, we know firsthand that access to high-quality information enables us to become better supports for our children, advocate for the services they need, and improve their quality of life. We also know that the challenges of caring for someone with ASD or another developmental disability become less daunting – and the joys greater – when we have someone who gets it to share them with.
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We get it because we've been through it.
Family Support Specialists
Family Support at The Autism Project is a combination of systems navigation, education, coaching, advocacy, and emotional support. Our Family Support Specialists (FSS) provide information and resources to help you support your child or the child you care for and a listening ear for all the highs, lows, and in-betweens.
The Autism Project Family Support Team is a peer model; our FSS are doubly qualified as Certified Community Health Workers (CCHW) and parents of children on the spectrum.
While our Family Support Specialists represent various cultural and educational backgrounds, they have all experienced firsthand the joys and challenges of raising a child with a disability. They have navigated the healthcare and education systems and sought out and utilized available resources. They understand the feelings of fear, helplessness, and isolation that often follows a diagnosis.
What can Family Support Specialists provide?
- Information and resources to empower you in your parenting or caregiving journey with your child with ASD or other developmental disability.
- Phone or face-to-face meetings, navigation, and coaching.
- Assistance with acquiring key resources, such as Medicaid, SSI, Home Based Therapeutic Services (HBTS), and Enhanced Outpatient Services.
- Accurate information about available services, programming and support in Rhode Island.
- Education through our training programs designed specifically for parents, such as Parent to Parent and A Starting Point.
- A supportive ear! Sometimes you just need to talk to someone who understands.