Stats at a glance (National Autism Association, 2021)

  • Half of families with elopers report they had never received advice or guidance about elopement from a professional
  • Only 19% had received such support from a psychologist or mental health professional
  • Only 14% had received guidance from their pediatrician or another physician

As American education becomes increasingly inclusive, more autistic students are joining their neurotypical peers in the classroom. However, autistic students do not always have the support they need to be safe and successful, and school staff frequently don't receive autism specific training. Alongside this, if there is a safety plan in place for an autistic student, too often these are not shared with staff outside the classroom teacher.

Introducing local first responders to the classroom for a meet and greet

Meet & greet events are an opportunity to bring communities together in non-stressful circumstances so autistic participants and safety professionals get to meet, build relationships and understanding of each other’s needs. This can be doubly beneficial when it takes place in the classroom, allowing both educators and first responders a structured setting to explain the importance of safety, as well as explain how first responders help the community stay safe.

National Autism Association - Meet the Police


The Autism Project - How-Tos

The Autism Project - Training Catalogue

National Autism Association - Big Red Safety Teacher Toolkit

Autism Society - Social Workers and Counselors

Tip Sheets

These tip sheets are a way to gather important information at a glance. These can be helpful for medical appointments, school, and community events.

Special Needs Profile for Educators

Things to Know About Me
