1516 Atwood Avenue | Johnston, RI 02919
401-785-2666 | Email Our Team
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We get it because we live it. We are a neurodiverse group of parents and professionals who connect with you to provide support, education, and strategies for the spectrum of needs in your home, classroom, or organization.
The Training is LIVE! Purchase today!
Access systems navigation, coaching, and emotional support while you support an autistic person.
Our training team provides in-depth information and evidence-based strategies through an autism-informed and therapeutic lens.
Join us for our annual Imagine Walk & Family Fun Day, volunteer or work with us, or attend an event sponsored by The Autism Project.
The Autism Project is a unique collaboration of self-advocates, parents, professionals, and community members that offers family navigation, support, education, and community.
We created short videos covering a variety of topics, including an introduction to autism, and two videos on teaching key life skills. Check them out today and share with family members, friends, teachers and others working with autistic people. These short videos are intended to give you a sample of the type of content included in our longer trainings. These trainings are designed to educate you on the latest evidence-based information and supports.
TAP strives to create communities for autistic individuals, their families, and the professionals who support them. These communities thrive on connection, learning, and joy.