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Linda Brunetti

Family Support Specialist

What I Do at The Autism Project

As a member of the Family Support Team, I provide many aspects of a family’s needs in regard to Autism. Our team supports children and adults. We meet the needs of the individual wherever they are in their Autism Journey. We provide support in different ways, (i.e. no cost trainings to parents/caregivers, we help to find resources they may be looking for like an ABA or a Speech Pathologist who takes their insurance plan), but I think the most important thing I can do for families is to listen, really listen and then let them decide how to proceed. To give them HOPE!!

I am also the facilitator of the Grandparent’s Support group as well as TAP Talks for parents and caregivers. I also co-facilitate a monthly meeting for community partners in Woonsocket, that come together to share resources, discuss issues we are having and provide supports for the families in Woonsocket.

My personal connection to Autism and The Autism Project is my son, Adam, who is now 30 years old. We got his diagnosis at 12 and were referred to The Autism Project for support and guidance. The best thing we received was HOPE. Hope that things were going to get better because we now had a direction, a starting point and we were being supported by people who understand our trials, tribulations, joy and our tears. They are peer models and had so much information to share with us. Sue told me then and still says it now. He is still the same young man he was before his diagnosis, but now we have to supports and services.

My Professional Journey

Throughout my career, I have actively pursued numerous training opportunities, implementing the acquired tools and strategies on my professional journey. In addition to my commitment to continuous improvement, I have earned certification as a Certified Community Health Care Worker (CCHW).

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