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Visual Support & Resource Packets to Engage People with Autism

We are excited to share some positive news with you – The Autism Project is actively distributing Visual Support & Resource Packets to First Responders, families and educators designed to enhance interactions with autistic individuals during emergency situations.

As champions for inclusivity in the autism community, The Autism Project (TAP) firmly believes that everyone deserves equal access to the latest, evidence-based, and autism-informed content. The Visual Support & Resource Packets aim to equip you with essential resources, ensuring effective engagement with Neurodivergent Individuals in emergency scenarios.

What you'll find in these packets:

1. Tips for General Interaction: Practical guidance for better communication.

2. Search and Rescue Efforts: Strategies tailored for autistic individuals.

3. Elopement Prevention: Important information to prevent wandering incidents.

4. Sensory Friendly Touch-A-Truck: Guidance on hosting events that cater to sensory needs.

5. Visual Aids: Numerous resources useful in various emergency situations.

We are pleased to inform you that these packets are provided at no cost, thanks to the generous support of Grant No. 15PBJA-22-GG-03605-MAPX awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance.

Your commitment to community well-being is truly appreciated, and we believe that together we can create a more inclusive and supportive environment for everyone. View our Public Safety Roll Call Videos for short videos with the goal of educating police, fire, EMS, and state troopers on evidence-based strategies to use during interactions with autistic people and their families during stressful or routine encounters.

Thank you for your dedication to public safety.